100+ Similes For Timid

Explore an extensive collection of over a hundred similes that vividly depict the quality of being timid in various contexts.

  1. As timid as a mouse.
  2. Like a frightened rabbit.
  3. Timid as a lamb.
  4. As quiet as a church mouse.
  5. Like a shrinking violet.
  6. As meek as a lamb.
  7. Timid as a dove.
  8. Like a deer caught in headlights.
  9. As shy as a wallflower.
  10. Like a scaredy-cat.
  11. As hesitant as a fawn.
  12. Like a baby bird.
  13. Timid as a kitten.
  14. Like a leaf in the wind.
  15. As bashful as a schoolgirl.
  16. Like a turtle in its shell.
  17. As cautious as a squirrel.
  18. Timid as a sparrow.
  19. Like a whisper in the wind.
  20. As timid as a doe.
  21. Like a delicate flower.
  22. As hesitant as a newcomer.
  23. Like a fragile butterfly.
  24. Timid as a mouse in a thunderstorm.
  25. Like a shadow in the dark.
  26. As quiet as a mouse in a library.
  27. Like a timid child.
  28. As meek as a lamb in the presence of a lion.
  29. Like a trembling leaf.
  30. As bashful as a bride.
  31. Timid as a rabbit in a field.
  32. Like a hesitant student.
  33. As shy as a blushing rose.
  34. Like a startled gazelle.
  35. As cautious as a deer in the woods.
  36. Timid as a kitten at a dog park.
  37. Like a fragile porcelain doll.
  38. As hesitant as a first-time performer.
  39. Like a quivering jellyfish.
  40. As timid as a hermit crab.
  41. Like a hesitant writer.
  42. As quiet as a mouse in a crowded room.
  43. Like a shrinking ice cube.
  44. Timid as a dormouse.
  45. Like a delicate snowflake.
  46. As bashful as a young suitor.
  47. Timid as a gazelle on the savannah.
  48. Like a hesitant speaker.
  49. As shy as a blushing bride.
  50. Like a frightened child.
  51. As cautious as a deer at a watering hole.
  52. Timid as a rabbit in a thicket.
  53. Like a timid explorer.
  54. As meek as a lamb among wolves.
  55. Like a fragile glass figurine.
  56. As hesitant as a novice.
  57. Timid as a kitten in a room full of dogs.
  58. Like a hesitant musician.
  59. As quiet as a mouse in a thunderstorm.
  60. Like a trembling leaf in the wind.
  61. As bashful as a teenage crush.
  62. Timid as a rabbit in the presence of a hawk.
  63. Like a fragile thread.
  64. As cautious as a squirrel crossing a road.
  65. Like a timid actor.
  66. As shy as a blushing schoolgirl.
  67. Timid as a deer in the headlights.
  68. Like a hesitant traveler.
  69. As hesitant as a beginner.
  70. Like a delicate silk ribbon.
  71. Timid as a kitten in a lion’s den.
  72. As quiet as a mouse in a lion’s den.
  73. Like a timid artist.
  74. As meek as a lamb in a lion’s den.
  75. Like a fragile teardrop.
  76. Timid as a rabbit in a wolf’s den.
  77. As bashful as a first-time parent.
  78. Like a hesitant chef.
  79. As cautious as a squirrel in a new place.
  80. Timid as a dove in a thunderstorm.
  81. Like a timid actor on stage.
  82. As shy as a blushing rose in a garden.
  83. Like a frightened kitten.
  84. As hesitant as a first-time skydiver.
  85. Timid as a deer in a forest fire.
  86. Like a hesitant adventurer.
  87. Like a trembling leaf on a tree.
  88. As bashful as a young lover.
  89. Timid as a rabbit in a snake’s den.
  90. Like a fragile china teacup.
  91. As cautious as a deer in the city.
  92. Like a hesitant dancer.
  93. As timid as a lamb in a lion’s den.
  94. Like a delicate feather.
  95. Timid as a kitten among wolves.
  96. As meek as a lamb among lions.
  97. Like a shy fawn in the forest.
  98. As hesitant as a first-time bungee jumper.
  99. Like a frightened bird in a storm.
  100. As bashful as a teenager with a crush.
  101. Timid as a rabbit surrounded by predators.
  102. Like a hesitant driver on an icy road.
  103. As cautious as a squirrel in a busy park.
  104. Like a fragile crystal vase.
  105. As timid as a lamb facing a pack of wolves.
  106. Like a shy maiden in a medieval tale.
  107. As hesitant as a novice rock climber.
  108. Like a trembling leaf in a hurricane.
  109. As bashful as a bride on her wedding day.
  110. Like a hesitant traveler in a foreign land.
  111. Like a fragile porcelain figurine.
  112. As cautious as a deer at a busy intersection.
  113. Like a timid actor on a Broadway stage.
  114. As shy as a blushing rose in full bloom.
  115. Like a frightened child in the dark.

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