100 Similes for Abandoned

Explore an extensive collection of over 100 vivid similes to convey the sense of abandonment in your writing.

  1. Like a shipwrecked sailor on a deserted island.
  2. Abandoned as a forgotten toy in the attic.
  3. Alone as a castaway in the open sea.
  4. Deserted like a ghost town.
  5. Empty as an abandoned nest.
  6. Forsaken as a stray dog on the streets.
  7. Like a discarded newspaper in the wind.
  8. Barren as a wasteland.
  9. Neglected like a wilted flower.
  10. Like a derelict building in the city.
  11. Lonely as a single tree in a vast field.
  12. Abandoned like a broken promise.
  13. Desolate as a moonless night.
  14. Like a forgotten melody.
  15. Isolated as a lighthouse on a remote cliff.
  16. Like an empty playground at night.
  17. Lost as a ship adrift at sea.
  18. Emptied like a hollow shell.
  19. Like a stranded astronaut in space.
  20. Alone as a single star in the sky.
  21. Forsaken like a ransacked village.
  22. Like a ship without a captain.
  23. Barren as a lifeless desert.
  24. Abandoned as a shipwreck on the shore.
  25. Empty as an abandoned warehouse.
  26. Like a neglected garden in winter.
  27. Desolate as a forgotten cemetery.
  28. Isolated as a polar bear on an ice floe.
  29. Like a broken compass in the wilderness.
  30. Lonely as a wandering soul.
  31. Abandoned like a shattered dream.
  32. Like a discarded letter on the sidewalk.
  33. Forsaken as a fallen leaf in autumn.
  34. Empty as a vacant parking lot at night.
  35. Like a rusty, neglected bicycle.
  36. Isolated as a remote mountain peak.
  37. Abandoned like a dilapidated farmhouse.
  38. Alone as a single raindrop in a drought.
  39. Deserted like an old, overgrown garden.
  40. Like a forgotten memory in the mind.
  41. Barren as a dried-up riverbed.
  42. Lost as a traveler without a map.
  43. Forsaken like a broken clock.
  44. Empty as an abandoned theater.
  45. Like a discarded seashell on the shore.
  46. Desolate as a post-apocalyptic landscape.
  47. Isolated as a remote island in the ocean.
  48. Abandoned like a derelict shipwreck.
  49. Lonely as a hermit in the wilderness.
  50. Like a neglected painting in an attic.
  51. Forsaken as a crumbling ruin.
  52. Empty as an abandoned amusement park.
  53. Barren as a lifeless tundra.
  54. Like a forgotten verse in a song.
  55. Abandoned as a wrecked car in a junkyard.
  56. Lost as a leaf in a hurricane.
  57. Isolated as a solitary cave in the mountains.
  58. Alone as a single footprint in the sand.
  59. Deserted like a dried-up well.
  60. Like a discarded dream in the morning.
  61. Forsaken as a fallen star.
  62. Empty as an abandoned factory.
  63. Barren as a desolate island.
  64. Abandoned like a neglected diary.
  65. Lonely as a ghost in an old house.
  66. Like a forgotten recipe in a cookbook.
  67. Lost as a needle in a haystack.
  68. Isolated as a single tree on a hill.
  69. Desolate as a silent, empty church.
  70. Alone as a single raincloud in the sky.
  71. Abandoned like a forgotten promise.
  72. Empty as an abandoned shopping mall.
  73. Forsaken as a broken compass.
  74. Like a discarded ticket on the ground.
  75. Barren as a lifeless wasteland.
  76. Lost as a traveler without a destination.
  77. Isolated as a distant island in the sea.
  78. Deserted like a derelict ship.
  79. Lonely as a single note in a song.
  80. Like a neglected thought in the mind.
  81. Abandoned as a rusty, forgotten bicycle.
  82. Empty as an abandoned theme park ride.
  83. Forsaken as a crumbling, old castle.
  84. Alone as a single star in a cloudy sky.
  85. Lost as a message in a bottle at sea.
  86. Isolated as a solitary cabin in the woods.
  87. Desolate as a vacant, abandoned mansion.
  88. Abandoned like a discarded treasure map.
  89. Barren as a lifeless desert landscape.
  90. Lonely as a single petal on a flower.
  91. Like a forgotten password in a computer.
  92. Empty as an abandoned, boarded-up house.
  93. Forsaken as a broken compass needle.
  94. Lost as a whisper in the wind.
  95. Isolated as a remote, uninhabited island.
  96. Alone as a single footprint in fresh snow.
  97. Deserted like a forsaken, overgrown garden.
  98. Abandoned as a dusty, forgotten library.
  99. Barren as a dry, cracked riverbed.
  100. Like a discarded photograph in a drawer.
  101. Forsaken as a crumbling, ancient ruin.
  102. Empty as an abandoned, empty swimming pool.
  103. Lonely as a solitary tree in the desert.
  104. Lost as a shipwreck in a storm.
  105. Isolated as a remote, distant planet.
  106. Abandoned like a neglected, broken clock.
  107. Barren as a lifeless, barren wasteland.
  108. Like a forgotten chapter in a book.
  109. Forsaken as a shattered, abandoned mirror.
  110. Empty as an abandoned, haunted mansion.
  111. Deserted like an abandoned, eerie cemetery.
  112. Lost as a word in an erased document.
  113. Isolated as a remote, inaccessible cave.
  114. Abandoned like a discarded, old diary.
  115. Barren as a lifeless, dry river delta.
  116. Forsaken as a crumbling, ancient temple.
  117. Lonely as a single cloud in the sky.
  118. Like a forgotten melody in a forgotten song.

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