100+ Similes For According

Explore a diverse collection of over 100 imaginative and expressive similes to enhance your writing when describing actions “according to.”

  1. Like following a roadmap.
  2. As directed as a puppet on strings.
  3. In line with tradition.
  4. Like a script in a play.
  5. As precise as a mathematical formula.
  6. In harmony with nature.
  7. Like a synchronized dance.
  8. As clear as a textbook explanation.
  9. In step with the music.
  10. Like a well-tuned instrument.
  11. As accurate as a laser beam.
  12. In sync with the clock.
  13. Like a perfectly choreographed routine.
  14. As true as a sworn oath.
  15. In accordance with the law.
  16. Like a well-rehearsed speech.
  17. As consistent as a heartbeat.
  18. In keeping with tradition.
  19. Like a masterfully painted canvas.
  20. As orderly as a library shelf.
  21. In agreement with common sense.
  22. Like a scientific hypothesis.
  23. As balanced as a tightrope walker.
  24. In line with expectations.
  25. Like a chef following a recipe.
  26. As structured as a building’s framework.
  27. In harmony with the universe.
  28. Like a conductor leading an orchestra.
  29. As methodical as a scientist’s experiment.
  30. In accordance with the rules.
  31. Like a synchronized swimming team.
  32. As meticulous as a watchmaker.
  33. In step with tradition.
  34. Like a GPS guiding a traveler.
  35. As reliable as a compass.
  36. In alignment with nature’s cycles.
  37. Like a detective following clues.
  38. As logical as a computer program.
  39. In accordance with best practices.
  40. Like a filmmaker’s storyboard.
  41. As disciplined as a soldier.
  42. In harmony with the environment.
  43. Like a well-crafted novel.
  44. As systematic as a filing system.
  45. In accordance with ethical standards.
  46. Like a poet’s verses.
  47. As steady as a ship’s course.
  48. In line with company policies.
  49. Like a well-organized event.
  50. As consistent as a sunrise.
  51. In accordance with tradition.
  52. Like a musician reading sheet music.
  53. As detailed as a detective’s report.
  54. In step with the rhythm.
  55. Like a conductor’s baton.
  56. As regulated as traffic signals.
  57. In harmony with cultural norms.
  58. Like a photographer’s composition.
  59. As careful as a surgeon’s hand.
  60. In alignment with the plan.
  61. Like a scholar interpreting text.
  62. As methodical as a scientist’s observations.
  63. In accordance with protocol.
  64. Like a chess player’s strategy.
  65. As organized as a spreadsheet.
  66. In line with societal expectations.
  67. Like a lawyer building a case.
  68. As clear as a textbook definition.
  69. In harmony with the cosmos.
  70. Like a choreographer’s routine.
  71. As structured as a legal argument.
  72. In accordance with company guidelines.
  73. Like a coach’s game plan.
  74. As disciplined as a monk’s meditation.
  75. In step with the seasons.
  76. Like a gardener tending to plants.
  77. As regulated as a traffic code.
  78. In alignment with industry standards.
  79. Like a navigator following stars.
  80. As reliable as a clock’s ticking.
  81. In accordance with moral principles.
  82. Like a historian interpreting events.
  83. As systematic as a research project.
  84. In line with company culture.
  85. Like a curator arranging exhibits.
  86. In harmony with the laws of physics.
  87. Like an artist’s vision.
  88. As clear as a computer algorithm.
  89. In accordance with customer feedback.
  90. Like a coach’s playbook.
  91. As methodical as a scientist’s methodology.
  92. In step with regulatory requirements.
  93. Like a director guiding actors.
  94. As disciplined as a dancer’s routine.
  95. In alignment with the market trends.
  96. Like a navigator plotting a course.
  97. As reliable as a GPS signal.
  98. In accordance with industry regulations.
  99. Like a conductor leading a choir.
  100. As logical as a flowchart.
  101. In line with company objectives.
  102. Like a builder following blueprints.
  103. As careful as a researcher’s analysis.
  104. In harmony with customer expectations.
  105. Like a designer creating patterns.
  106. As structured as a legal contract.
  107. In accordance with industry standards.
  108. Like a coach’s motivational speech.
  109. As consistent as a metronome.
  110. In step with the cultural norms.
  111. Like a programmer writing code.
  112. As detailed as a journalist’s investigation.
  113. In alignment with sustainability goals.
  114. Like a detective solving a case.
  115. As regulated as a government policy.
  116. Like a scientist following the scientific method.
  117. As systematic as a quality control process.
  118. In line with customer preferences.

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