100+ Similes For Adhesion

Explore a treasure trove of over 100 vivid and imaginative similes to describe the concept of adhesion in various contexts.

  1. Like glue holding two pieces of paper together.
  2. Strong as magnets attracting metal.
  3. Adhesive as a spider’s silk web.
  4. Stuck together like Velcro.
  5. Bonded like Siamese twins.
  6. Like a fly caught in a spider’s web.
  7. Tight as a snail’s grip on a leaf.
  8. Clinging like wet clothes to skin.
  9. Adhering like paint to a canvas.
  10. Like a barnacle on a ship’s hull.
  11. Sticky as honey on a spoon.
  12. Firmly attached like a barnacle on a rock.
  13. Like a gecko clinging to a wall.
  14. Gripped like a hand on a doorknob.
  15. Adhesive as a postage stamp.
  16. Like a limpet on a rock.
  17. Stuck like chewing gum to a shoe.
  18. Bound like a book’s pages.
  19. Like a burr in a dog’s fur.
  20. Clinging like ivy to a wall.
  21. Like a sticker on a laptop.
  22. Attached like a leaf to a branch.
  23. Adhering like a bandage to skin.
  24. Like a magnet pulling in iron filings.
  25. Sticking together like wet paper.
  26. Bonded like atoms in a molecule.
  27. Like a tick on a dog’s skin.
  28. Firmly holding like a vise.
  29. Adhesive as a tree sap.
  30. Like a limpet on a ship’s hull.
  31. Gripped like a hand on a railing.
  32. Clinging like a burr to fabric.
  33. Like a bookmark in a novel.
  34. Stuck like a thorn in a finger.
  35. Bound together like a rope’s fibers.
  36. Adhering like a label on a jar.
  37. Like a clamshell tightly closed.
  38. Attached like a patch on clothing.
  39. Like a suction cup on glass.
  40. Glued together like puzzle pieces.
  41. Like a seal on an envelope.
  42. Adhesive as a painter’s tape.
  43. Stuck like Velcro strips.
  44. Bonded like molecules in a crystal.
  45. Clinging like a barnacle to a boat.
  46. Like a postage stamp on a letter.
  47. Firmly connected like Lego bricks.
  48. Adhering like a Band-Aid on skin.
  49. Like a magnet attracting metal.
  50. Holding on like a monkey to a tree.
  51. Like a spiderweb catching insects.
  52. Attached like a magnet to a fridge.
  53. Stuck together like pieces of gum.
  54. Bonded like a jigsaw puzzle.
  55. Adhesive as a sticky note.
  56. Clinging like a spider to its web.
  57. Like a snail leaving a slime trail.
  58. Firmly grasping like a hand on a rope.
  59. Like a suction cup on a glass surface.
  60. Glued like a broken vase.
  61. Sticking like duct tape to a surface.
  62. Bound together like a book’s pages.
  63. Adhering like a sticker to paper.
  64. Like a tick embedded in skin.
  65. Attached like a label to a bottle.
  66. Like a burr in the fur of an animal.
  67. Gripped like a clamp on a pipe.
  68. Clinging like ivy to a tree.
  69. Firmly secured like a lock on a door.
  70. Adhesive as a glue stick.
  71. Stuck like chewing gum on a sidewalk.
  72. Holding on like a climber to a cliff.
  73. Like a patch on a bicycle tire.
  74. Attached like a sticker to a laptop.
  75. Glued together like paper layers.
  76. Adhering like a leaf to a twig.
  77. Clinging like moss to a rock.
  78. Like a burr tangled in hair.
  79. Gripped like a hand on a steering wheel.
  80. Like a magnet attracting metal objects.
  81. Firmly connected like Lego blocks.
  82. Sticking like a Band-Aid to a wound.
  83. Clinging like a sloth to a tree branch.
  84. Attached like a badge on a uniform.
  85. Like a spiderweb capturing prey.
  86. Adhesive as a sticker on a gift.
  87. Stuck together like Velcro straps.
  88. Bound like a contract’s pages.
  89. Holding on like a gecko to a surface.
  90. Like a clamshell tightly sealed.
  91. Glued like a label on a jar.
  92. Firmly grasped like a handlebar.
  93. Clinging like a tick to skin.
  94. Attached like a patch on fabric.
  95. Like a suction cup on a window.
  96. Bonded like puzzle pieces fitting.
  97. Stuck like a stamp to an envelope.
  98. Adhesive as a post-it note.
  99. Like a snail’s trail on a leaf.
  100. Firmly held like a vice grip.
  101. Clinging like ivy to a building.
  102. Like a magnet drawing in metal filings.
  103. Attached like a magnet to a refrigerator.
  104. Glued together like broken pottery.
  105. Holding on like a monkey to a branch.
  106. Bonded like atoms in a compound.
  107. Stuck like a burr to clothing.
  108. Adhering like a label to a package.
  109. Like a spiderweb ensnaring prey.
  110. Clinging like moss to a rock surface.
  111. Firmly secured like a padlock on a gate.
  112. Gripped like a hand on a rope.
  113. Like glue sealing an envelope.

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