100 Similes For Almost

Delve into the world of similes and discover over 100 imaginative ways to describe “almost” in your writing.

  1. Like a nearly missed bus.
  2. As close as a hair’s breadth.
  3. Almost as good as gold.
  4. Near as a whisper.
  5. Like a half-tied shoelace.
  6. Close as a kiss on the cheek.
  7. Nearly like hitting the bullseye.
  8. Almost as bright as the sun.
  9. Near as a heartbeat.
  10. Like a half-empty glass.
  11. Almost as sweet as honey.
  12. Close as a second away.
  13. Nearly as clear as crystal.
  14. Almost like a full moon.
  15. Near as a missed opportunity.
  16. Like a half-open door.
  17. Almost as fast as lightning.
  18. Close as a breath.
  19. Nearly like finding treasure.
  20. Almost as clear as day.
  21. Near as a step behind.
  22. Like a half-done puzzle.
  23. Almost as bright as a star.
  24. Close as a near-miss.
  25. Nearly like a perfect match.
  26. Almost as rare as a unicorn.
  27. Near as a skipped beat.
  28. Like a half-written story.
  29. Almost as hot as fire.
  30. Close as a fraction.
  31. Nearly like a silver lining.
  32. Almost as loud as thunder.
  33. Near as a step ahead.
  34. Like a half-finished song.
  35. Almost as deep as the ocean.
  36. Close as a hairpin turn.
  37. Nearly like a diamond in the rough.
  38. Almost as fast as a cheetah.
  39. Near as a forgotten memory.
  40. Like a half-painted canvas.
  41. Almost as sweet as a melody.
  42. Close as a photo finish.
  43. Nearly like a needle in a haystack.
  44. Almost as smooth as silk.
  45. Near as a missed call.
  46. Like a half-eaten cookie.
  47. Almost as bright as a rainbow.
  48. Close as a split-second decision.
  49. Nearly like striking gold.
  50. Almost as pure as snow.
  51. Near as a flicker of hope.
  52. Like a half-formed idea.
  53. Almost as wild as a stallion.
  54. Close as a heartbeat away.
  55. Nearly like a hidden gem.
  56. Almost as tall as a mountain.
  57. Near as a whisper of wind.
  58. Like a half-baked cake.
  59. Almost as old as time.
  60. Close as a blink of an eye.
  61. Nearly like a shooting star.
  62. Almost as smooth as butter.
  63. Near as a missed connection.
  64. Like a half-remembered dream.
  65. Almost as hot as lava.
  66. Close as a touch.
  67. Nearly like finding a pearl.
  68. Almost as bright as a supernova.
  69. Near as a second chance.
  70. Like a half-told secret.
  71. Almost as fierce as a lion.
  72. Close as a hairpin curve.
  73. Nearly like a rare find.
  74. Almost as clear as a bell.
  75. Near as a forgotten promise.
  76. Like a half-burned candle.
  77. Almost as elusive as a ghost.
  78. Close as a hairline fracture.
  79. Nearly like a hidden treasure.
  80. Almost as dark as night.
  81. Near as a missed opportunity.
  82. Like a half-spoken truth.
  83. Almost as cold as ice.
  84. Close as a heartbeat’s echo.
  85. Nearly like a silver lining.
  86. Almost as deep as the abyss.
  87. Near as a footstep behind.
  88. Like a half-answered question.
  89. Almost as bright as the moon.
  90. Close as a breath away.
  91. Nearly like a perfect storm.
  92. Almost as rare as a comet.
  93. Near as a beat of a drum.
  94. Like a half-forgotten melody.
  95. Almost as sweet as a dream.
  96. Close as a fraction of a second.
  97. Nearly like a stroke of luck.
  98. Almost as wild as a tornado.
  99. Near as a heartbeat skipped.
  100. Like a half-faded memory.

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