100+ Similes For Anger

Explore a dynamic collection of over 100 striking similes to vividly depict the intense emotion of anger in your writing.

  1. Hot as a burning coal.
  2. Furious like a raging bull.
  3. Red-faced as a boiling kettle.
  4. Angry as a hornet’s nest.
  5. Steamy like a pressure cooker.
  6. Fuming like an erupting volcano.
  7. Wrathful as a thunderstorm.
  8. Boiling like a cauldron.
  9. Fiery as a dragon’s breath.
  10. Temper like a tempest.
  11. Seething like a simmering pot.
  12. Mad as a wet hen.
  13. Explosive as a fireworks display.
  14. Livid as a wildfire.
  15. Incensed like a ticking time bomb.
  16. Raging like a hurricane.
  17. Burning like a wildfire.
  18. Sharp as a dagger’s edge.
  19. Stormy as a turbulent sea.
  20. Hot-tempered as a scalding kettle.
  21. Blazing like a forest fire.
  22. Infuriated as a bull in a bullring.
  23. Heated like a sauna.
  24. Agitated as a shaken beehive.
  25. Wrath like a mighty tempest.
  26. Furious as a tornado’s path.
  27. Steamy like a sauna room.
  28. Boiling over like a bubbling cauldron.
  29. Fuming like a locomotive.
  30. Angry as a mother bear protecting her cubs.
  31. Blistering like a scorching desert.
  32. Red-hot like molten lava.
  33. Wrathful as a vengeful god.
  34. Ferocious as a hungry wolf.
  35. Enraged as a bull charging.
  36. Seething like a boiling ocean.
  37. Hot-headed as a fiery sun.
  38. Furious as a wild hurricane.
  39. Bubbling like a volcanic eruption.
  40. Like a powder keg about to explode.
  41. Angry as a cornered cat.
  42. Smoking like a smoldering fire.
  43. Raging like a wildfire.
  44. Like a raging river in flood.
  45. Temper like a fierce storm.
  46. Blazing like a shooting star.
  47. Mad as a hornet’s nest.
  48. Sharp as a razor’s edge.
  49. Wrath like a fierce gale.
  50. Boiling like a pot on the stove.
  51. Agitated as a stirred wasp nest.
  52. Steamy like a tropical jungle.
  53. Livid as a volcano’s eruption.
  54. Incensed like a wildfire.
  55. Fuming like an overheated engine.
  56. Furious as a tempest at sea.
  57. Burning like a forest inferno.
  58. Wrathful as a thunderclap.
  59. Red-faced as a simmering pot.
  60. Hot as a scalding teapot.
  61. Angry as a cornered beast.
  62. Seething like a kettle on the boil.
  63. Mad as a raging bull.
  64. Steamy like a sauna.
  65. Raging like a cyclone.
  66. Temper like a fiery furnace.
  67. Sharp as a blade’s edge.
  68. Wrath like a hurricane’s fury.
  69. Enraged as a charging rhinoceros.
  70. Furious as a wild tornado.
  71. Hot-headed as a blazing sun.
  72. Incensed like a fiery dragon.
  73. Burning like a forest wildfire.
  74. Boiling over like a volcano.
  75. Seething like a turbulent sea.
  76. Furious as a tempestuous river.
  77. Mad as a stirred hornet’s nest.
  78. Steamy like a tropical rainforest.
  79. Fiery as a wildfire’s path.
  80. Wrath like a tsunami’s fury.
  81. Boiling like an overheated engine.
  82. Agitated as a shaken hornet’s nest.
  83. Sharp as a knife’s edge.
  84. Hot as a scorching desert.
  85. Furious as a wild storm.
  86. Wrathful as a vengeful deity.
  87. Incensed like a volcano’s eruption.
  88. Smoking like a smoldering ember.
  89. Raging like a forest inferno.
  90. Furious as a cyclone’s force.
  91. Burning like a wildfire’s rage.
  92. Seething like a cauldron’s contents.
  93. Mad as a cornered beast.
  94. Boiling like a roaring river.
  95. Hot-headed as a fiery comet.
  96. Blistering like a desert sun.
  97. Wrath like an unrelenting storm.
  98. Enraged as a charging bull.
  99. Fiery as a dragon’s ire.
  100. Furious as a tempest’s fury.
  101. Smoking like an overheated engine.
  102. Incensed like a wildfire’s path.
  103. Burning like a volcano’s eruption.
  104. Wrathful as a raging sea.
  105. Seething like a storm-tossed ocean.
  106. Mad as a hornet’s swarm.
  107. Raging like a wildfire’s blaze.
  108. Boiling over like a cauldron’s brew.

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