100+ Similes For Apologetic

Explore an extensive collection of over 100 creative and expressive similes to convey the feeling of being apologetic in various contexts.

  1. Like a puppy with its tail between its legs.
  2. Apologetic as a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
  3. Like a repentant sinner at confession.
  4. Sorry as a raincloud on a sunny day.
  5. Apologetic as a penitent pilgrim.
  6. Like a remorseful student facing the principal.
  7. Sorry as a wilting flower.
  8. Apologetic like a guilt-stricken conscience.
  9. Like a regretful actor flubbing their lines.
  10. Sorry as a broken promise.
  11. Apologetic like a punctured balloon.
  12. Like a contrite criminal in court.
  13. Sorry as a dropped ice cream cone.
  14. Apologetic as a regretful driver after a fender-bender.
  15. Like a repentant character in a redemption story.
  16. Sorry as a deflated tire.
  17. Apologetic like a regretful gambler after losing it all.
  18. Like a remorseful chef burning dinner.
  19. Sorry as a crumpled love letter.
  20. Apologetic like a regretful borrower.
  21. Like a contrite artist who ruined their masterpiece.
  22. Sorry as a spilled bottle of ink.
  23. Apologetic as a guilt-ridden witness on the stand.
  24. Like a regretful explorer who lost their way.
  25. Sorry as a dropped glass shattering.
  26. Apologetic like a remorseful soldier after a battle.
  27. Like a contrite musician hitting a wrong note.
  28. Sorry as a faded apology note.
  29. Apologetic as a regretful host who burnt dinner.
  30. Like a repentant poet with writer’s block.
  31. Sorry as a cracked mirror.
  32. Apologetic like a guilt-stricken parent after yelling.
  33. Like a remorseful gardener over-pruning a plant.
  34. Sorry as a torn photograph.
  35. Apologetic as a regretful captain running aground.
  36. Like a contrite comedian with a failed joke.
  37. Sorry as a deflated balloon.
  38. Apologetic like a regretful actor on a bad audition.
  39. Like a repentant traveler who missed their flight.
  40. Sorry as a dripping wet umbrella indoors.
  41. Apologetic as a remorseful coach after a loss.
  42. Like a regretful chef who overcooked the meal.
  43. Sorry as a broken compass.
  44. Apologetic like a guilt-stricken employee after a mistake.
  45. Like a contrite writer with writer’s block.
  46. Sorry as a cracked egg.
  47. Apologetic as a regretful teacher after a failed lesson.
  48. Like a repentant painter who ruined the canvas.
  49. Sorry as a spilled bottle of paint.
  50. Apologetic like a remorseful detective who missed a clue.
  51. Like a contrite musician with a broken instrument.
  52. Sorry as a faded love letter.
  53. Apologetic as a guilt-ridden student caught cheating.
  54. Like a regretful chef who burned the soufflé.
  55. Sorry as a deflated soccer ball.
  56. Apologetic like a regretful host with burnt appetizers.
  57. Like a repentant photographer who missed the shot.
  58. Sorry as a torn page from a diary.
  59. Apologetic as a remorseful explorer who lost the map.
  60. Like a contrite comedian with a humorless audience.
  61. Sorry as a deflated beach ball.
  62. Apologetic like a guilt-stricken actor on stage.
  63. Like a regretful musician with a broken string.
  64. Apologetic as a remorseful artist who ruined the canvas.
  65. Like a contrite writer with a lost manuscript.
  66. Sorry as a spilled glass of red wine.
  67. Apologetic like a regretful coach after a losing streak.
  68. Like a repentant gardener who overwatered the plants.
  69. Apologetic as a guilt-ridden parent after a scolding.
  70. Like a regretful host who burnt the roast.
  71. Apologetic like a remorseful actor with a forgotten line.
  72. Like a contrite chef who spilled the sauce.
  73. Like a repentant explorer who lost their way.
  74. Apologetic like a guilt-stricken traveler who missed the train.
  75. Like a regretful musician hitting a wrong note.
  76. Apologetic as a remorseful writer with writer’s block.
  77. Like a contrite comedian with a failed punchline.
  78. Apologetic like a regretful coach after a big loss.
  79. Like a spilled bottle of ink.
  80. Apologetic as a guilt-ridden artist who ruined the sculpture.
  81. Like a regretful gardener who over-pruned the roses.
  82. Sorry as a deflated balloon at a party.
  83. Apologetic like a contrite actor with a wardrobe malfunction.
  84. Like a repentant chef who overseasoned the dish.
  85. Sorry as a broken compass in the wilderness.
  86. Apologetic as a remorseful musician with a broken instrument.
  87. Like a regretful traveler who missed the flight.
  88. Sorry as a spilled bottle of paint on a canvas.
  89. Apologetic like a guilt-stricken detective who missed a clue.
  90. Sorry as a deflated soccer ball on the field.
  91. Apologetic as a faded apology note.
  92. Like a regretful host with burnt appetizers.
  93. Apologetic like a remorseful explorer who lost the map.
  94. Sorry as a deflated beach ball on the shore.
  95. Apologetic like a guilt-ridden actor on stage.
  96. Like a repentant musician with a broken string.
  97. Apologetic as a deflated party balloon.
  98. Like a regretful student with a torn textbook.
  99. Sorry as a wilted bouquet of flowers.
  100. Apologetic like a guilt-stricken driver after a collision.
  101. Like a contrite author with a rejected manuscript.
  102. Sorry as a forgotten birthday gift.
  103. Apologetic as a remorseful athlete who missed the goal.
  104. Like a repentant chef who burned the soufflé.
  105. Sorry as a cracked smartphone screen.
  106. Apologetic like a regretful musician with a skipped beat.
  107. Like a contrite explorer who lost valuable artifacts.
  108. Sorry as a spilled cup of coffee on important documents.
  109. Apologetic as a guilt-ridden employee after a workplace error.

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