100+ Similes For Argument

Explore the power of vivid language with our extensive list of over 100 similes to enhance your arguments and expressions.

  1. As stubborn as a mule
  2. As clear as crystal
  3. As busy as a bee
  4. As sly as a fox
  5. As brave as a lion
  6. As slippery as an eel
  7. As white as snow
  8. As cold as ice
  9. As fast as lightning
  10. As slow as molasses
  11. As smooth as silk
  12. As light as a feather
  13. As heavy as lead
  14. As tall as a giraffe
  15. As short as a hobbit
  16. As bright as the sun
  17. As dark as night
  18. As sharp as a razor
  19. As dull as a butter knife
  20. As hot as an oven
  21. As cool as a cucumber
  22. As big as a whale
  23. As small as a grain of sand
  24. As loud as thunder
  25. As quiet as a mouse
  26. As fierce as a tiger
  27. As gentle as a lamb
  28. As proud as a peacock
  29. As shy as a deer
  30. As old as the hills
  31. As young as a spring chicken
  32. As happy as a clam
  33. As sad as a funeral
  34. As angry as a hornet
  35. As calm as a lake
  36. As wild as the wind
  37. As smart as a whip
  38. As dumb as a rock
  39. As busy as a squirrel
  40. As lazy as a sloth
  41. As straight as an arrow
  42. As crooked as a politician
  43. As round as a ball
  44. As flat as a pancake
  45. As sweet as honey
  46. As bitter as gall
  47. As sour as a lemon
  48. As salty as the sea
  49. As spicy as a chili pepper
  50. As bland as plain oatmeal
  51. As smooth as glass
  52. As rough as sandpaper
  53. As deep as the ocean
  54. As shallow as a puddle
  55. As bright as a diamond
  56. As dull as dishwater
  57. As thin as a stick
  58. As thick as mud
  59. As hot as hell
  60. As cold as a freezer
  61. As dry as a desert
  62. As wet as a sponge
  63. As quick as a wink
  64. As slow as molasses in January
  65. As strong as an ox
  66. As weak as a kitten
  67. As wild as a bronco
  68. As tame as a pet dog
  69. As bright as a star
  70. As dim as a candle
  71. As long as a marathon
  72. As short as a sprint
  73. As clean as a whistle
  74. As dirty as a pigsty
  75. As smooth as butter
  76. As rough as a cob
  77. As wet as a fish
  78. As dry as a bone
  79. As clear as day
  80. As cloudy as a storm
  81. As hot as lava
  82. As cold as a corpse
  83. As sharp as a tack
  84. As blunt as a hammer
  85. As wise as an owl
  86. As foolish as a clown
  87. As rich as Croesus
  88. As poor as a church mouse
  89. As lucky as a four-leaf clover
  90. As unlucky as a black cat
  91. As flexible as a rubber band
  92. As rigid as a steel rod
  93. As busy as a beehive
  94. As quiet as a library
  95. As noisy as a construction site
  96. As fresh as a daisy
  97. As wilted as a flower
  98. As brave as a knight
  99. As cowardly as a mouse
  100. As alert as a hawk
  101. As oblivious as a rock
  102. As hungry as a wolf
  103. As full as a Thanksgiving turkey
  104. As messy as a toddler’s room
  105. As organized as a filing cabinet
  106. As complex as a Rubik’s Cube
  107. As simple as pie
  108. As tall as a skyscraper
  109. As short as a stump
  110. As strong as a fortress
  111. As weak as a cardboard box
  112. As bright as a neon sign
  113. As dark as a cave
  114. As smooth as a baby’s bottom
  115. As deep as a canyon
  116. As bright as a flashlight
  117. As dull as a rusty nail

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