100+ Similes For Ashamed

Explore a rich collection of over 100 similes that vividly describe the feeling of being ashamed in this extensive list.

  1. As ashamed as a dog with a chewed-up slipper.
  2. Like a wilted flower in a storm.
  3. Red-faced as a lobster in a boiling pot.
  4. Like a mouse caught in a trap.
  5. As embarrassed as a clown without makeup.
  6. Blushing like a bride on her wedding day.
  7. Like a student caught cheating on a test.
  8. As humiliated as a bird with clipped wings.
  9. Like a deer caught in headlights.
  10. Red as a tomato in a hot skillet.
  11. Like a child with a broken toy.
  12. As uncomfortable as a cat in a bathtub.
  13. Like a chef who burned the main course.
  14. As mortified as a mime with a lost prop.
  15. Like a fish out of water.
  16. Blushing like a rose in full bloom.
  17. As sheepish as a lamb caught in a fence.
  18. Like a quarterback who fumbled the ball.
  19. As awkward as a penguin on a tropical beach.
  20. Like a driver who took the wrong turn.
  21. Red-faced as a firefighter without water.
  22. Like a magician revealing a trick.
  23. As embarrassed as a model with a wardrobe malfunction.
  24. Like a singer forgetting the lyrics on stage.
  25. Like a detective who missed a crucial clue.
  26. As humiliated as a soldier without a weapon.
  27. Like a surfer wiped out by a huge wave.
  28. As ashamed as a politician caught in a scandal.
  29. Like a gardener with a withered plant.
  30. Like a jester without a jest.
  31. As uncomfortable as a dancer with two left feet.
  32. Like a baker with a burnt loaf.
  33. As mortified as an actor who flubbed the lines.
  34. Like a captain losing control of the ship.
  35. Blushing like a cherry in a fruit basket.
  36. As sheepish as a shepherd who lost a lamb.
  37. Like a goalie who missed an easy save.
  38. As awkward as a tightrope walker with vertigo.
  39. Like a painter who spilled the paint.
  40. Red-faced as a scientist’s failed experiment.
  41. Like a poet with a forgotten rhyme.
  42. As embarrassed as a driver with a flat tire.
  43. Like a director whose film flopped.
  44. As humiliated as a pilot with a crashed plane.
  45. Like a cyclist with a broken chain.
  46. Like a runner tripping over his shoelaces.
  47. As ashamed as a chef who served raw food.
  48. Like a swimmer sinking like a stone.
  49. As uncomfortable as a teacher with unruly students.
  50. Like a writer with a lost manuscript.
  51. Red-faced as a parent with a misbehaving child.
  52. Like a golfer missing an easy putt.
  53. As sheepish as a librarian with a lost book.
  54. Like a carpenter with a crooked table.
  55. As mortified as a gardener with a weed-filled garden.
  56. Like a banker losing a client’s money.
  57. Blushing like a grape turning into wine.
  58. As awkward as a scientist with a failed experiment.
  59. Like a chef with a burnt soufflé.
  60. As embarrassed as a musician with a broken instrument.
  61. Like a farmer with a barren field.
  62. As humiliated as a hunter who missed the target.
  63. Like a traveler with a lost passport.
  64. As ashamed as a barber with a bad haircut.
  65. Like a jeweler who lost a precious gem.
  66. Red-faced as a photographer with a blurry picture.
  67. Like a sailor stranded on a deserted island.
  68. As uncomfortable as a doctor with a misdiagnosis.
  69. Like a pilot with a malfunctioning radar.
  70. As sheepish as a fisherman with an empty net.
  71. Like a builder with a collapsed structure.
  72. As mortified as a musician with an out-of-tune instrument.
  73. Like a baker with a collapsed cake.
  74. As awkward as a magician’s failed trick.
  75. Like a chef with a dropped plate.
  76. Red-faced as a painter with spilled paint.
  77. Like a teacher with a failed lesson plan.
  78. As embarrassed as a driver with a scratched car.
  79. Like a detective with a closed case.
  80. As humiliated as a scientist with a retracted theory.
  81. Like a gardener with a dead garden.
  82. As ashamed as a writer with a rejected manuscript.
  83. Like a swimmer with a cramp.
  84. As uncomfortable as a politician with a scandal.
  85. Like a runner with a twisted ankle.
  86. As sheepish as a golfer with a high score.
  87. Like a photographer with a lost roll of film.
  88. As mortified as a banker with a bank run.
  89. Like a librarian with a disorganized library.
  90. Red-faced as a carpenter with a splinter.
  91. Like a musician with a broken string.
  92. As embarrassed as a teacher with a failed class.
  93. Like a chef with a ruined sauce.
  94. As humiliated as a farmer with a failed harvest.
  95. Like a pilot with a lost compass.
  96. As ashamed as a sailor with a torn sail.
  97. Like a builder with a collapsing wall.
  98. As uncomfortable as a hunter with empty traps.
  99. Like a traveler with a missed flight.
  100. Red-faced as a jeweler with lost gems.
  101. Like a barber with uneven hair.
  102. As sheepish as a photographer with a blurry lens.
  103. Like a detective with a missing clue.
  104. As mortified as a painter with a ruined canvas.
  105. Like a writer with writer’s block.
  106. As embarrassed as a swimmer with a lost swimsuit.
  107. Like a cyclist with a flat tire.
  108. As humiliated as a golfer with a misplayed shot.
  109. Like a musician with a forgotten melody.
  110. As ashamed as a teacher with a forgotten lesson.
  111. Like a chef with a dropped dish.
  112. As uncomfortable as a scientist with a failed experiment.
  113. Like a gardener with a garden full of weeds.
  114. Red-faced as a politician caught in a lie.
  115. Like a librarian with missing books.
  116. As sheepish as a banker with a bank closure.
  117. Like a builder with a collapsing roof.
  118. As mortified as a traveler with a lost passport.
  119. Like a pilot with a malfunctioning engine.

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