100+ Similes For Assaulted

Explore the richness of language with over 100 similes to vividly describe the state of being “assaulted” in this comprehensive list.

  1. Like a battering ram
  2. As if struck by lightning
  3. Like a sudden storm
  4. As fierce as a tiger’s pounce
  5. Like a relentless barrage
  6. As overwhelming as a tidal wave
  7. Like a violent explosion
  8. As forceful as a sledgehammer
  9. Like a ferocious beast
  10. As sharp as a knife’s edge
  11. Like a torrential downpour
  12. As aggressive as a charging bull
  13. Like a crashing wave
  14. As intense as a wildfire
  15. Like a thundering avalanche
  16. As brutal as a street fight
  17. Like a hurricane’s fury
  18. As hard-hitting as a boxer’s punch
  19. Like a cannon’s blast
  20. As ruthless as a predator’s attack
  21. Like a barrage of artillery
  22. As savage as a wild animal
  23. Like a storm of blows
  24. As powerful as a locomotive
  25. Like a volcanic eruption
  26. As relentless as a tidal surge
  27. Like a tornado’s force
  28. As merciless as a ruthless dictator
  29. Like a bombardment of bullets
  30. As unyielding as a steel wall
  31. Like a shockwave
  32. As harsh as a desert sun
  33. Like a battering ram of words
  34. As cutting as a razor’s edge
  35. Like a pounding drumbeat
  36. As unforgiving as a judge’s gavel
  37. Like a hailstorm of fists
  38. As fierce as a warrior’s resolve
  39. Like a tempest of anger
  40. As relentless as a hounding dog
  41. Like a relentless tempest
  42. As forceful as a gushing river
  43. Like a surge of adrenaline
  44. As sharp as a thorn’s prick
  45. Like a whirlwind of emotion
  46. As brutal as a prison yard brawl
  47. Like a whirlpool’s pull
  48. As intense as a blazing inferno
  49. Like a thundering stampede
  50. As unyielding as a fortress
  51. Like a volcanic eruption of fury
  52. As merciless as a dictator’s rule
  53. Like a storm of criticism
  54. As powerful as a locomotive’s thrust
  55. Like a torrent of accusations
  56. As harsh as a winter’s chill
  57. Like a hurricane’s devastation
  58. As cutting as a surgeon’s scalpel
  59. Like a bombardment of insults
  60. As unyielding as a stone wall
  61. Like a shockwave of anger
  62. As relentless as a hunter’s pursuit
  63. Like a tornado’s destructive path
  64. As fierce as a mother bear’s protection
  65. Like a hailstorm of criticism
  66. As forceful as a battering ram
  67. Like a tempest of words
  68. As sharp as a needle’s point
  69. Like a pounding headache
  70. As unforgiving as a strict teacher
  71. Like a surge of frustration
  72. As brutal as a warrior’s strike
  73. Like a whirlwind of accusations
  74. As intense as a wildfire’s heat
  75. Like a thundering argument
  76. As unyielding as a steel cage
  77. Like a volcanic eruption of rage
  78. As merciless as a relentless foe
  79. Like a storm of indignation
  80. As powerful as a locomotive’s roar
  81. Like a torrent of insults
  82. As harsh as a desert wind
  83. Like a hurricane’s wrath
  84. As cutting as a blade’s edge
  85. Like a bombardment of criticism
  86. As forceful as a gale
  87. As sharp as a knife’s blade
  88. Like a pounding heart
  89. As unforgiving as a strict judge
  90. Like a surge of resentment
  91. Like a whirlwind of frustration
  92. As intense as a blazing fire
  93. Like a thundering rebuke
  94. As unyielding as a fortress wall
  95. Like a volcanic eruption of emotions
  96. As merciless as a relentless opponent
  97. Like a storm of condemnation
  98. As powerful as a charging bull
  99. As harsh as a winter storm
  100. Like a whirlwind of emotion
  101. As brutal as a prison yard brawl
  102. Like a whirlpool’s pull

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