100+ Similes For Attribute

Enhance your descriptive skills with over 100 similes that’ll make your writing shine. Dive into a world of creative comparisons

  1. As brave as a lion
  2. Like a ray of sunshine
  3. As fast as lightning
  4. Like a diamond in the rough
  5. As sly as a fox
  6. Like a fish out of water
  7. As clear as crystal
  8. Like a moth to a flame
  9. As busy as a bee
  10. Like a bat out of hell
  11. As strong as an ox
  12. Like a kid in a candy store
  13. As quiet as a mouse
  14. Like a needle in a haystack
  15. As light as a feather
  16. Like a bull in a china shop
  17. As smooth as silk
  18. Like a cat on a hot tin roof
  19. As bright as the stars
  20. Like a chicken with its head cut off
  21. As cold as ice
  22. Like a dog with a bone
  23. As hot as fire
  24. Like a horse in a race
  25. As wise as an owl
  26. Like a snake in the grass
  27. As sweet as honey
  28. Like a fish in water
  29. As quick as a flash
  30. Like a bullfrog in a pond
  31. As pure as snow
  32. Like a bird in the sky
  33. As heavy as lead
  34. Like a fox in a henhouse
  35. As smooth as glass
  36. Like a deer caught in headlights
  37. As sharp as a knife
  38. Like a wolf in sheep’s clothing
  39. As deep as the ocean
  40. Like a kangaroo on caffeine
  41. As bright as day
  42. Like a mouse in a maze
  43. As cold as a polar bear’s nose
  44. Like a fish in a barrel
  45. As light as air
  46. Like a cat with nine lives
  47. As quiet as a graveyard
  48. Like a bull in a rodeo
  49. As smooth as butter
  50. Like a dog with a bone to pick
  51. As clear as day
  52. Like a fish on a hook
  53. As quick as lightning
  54. As steady as a rock
  55. As hot as lava
  56. Like a horse on the run
  57. As wise as Solomon
  58. As sweet as sugar
  59. Like a fish in its element
  60. As quick as a wink
  61. As cold as steel
  62. As smooth as velvet
  63. Like a fox on the prowl
  64. As deep as a well
  65. As bright as the sun
  66. Like a mouse in a trap
  67. As cold as the Arctic
  68. Like a fish in the sea
  69. Like a cat with a secret
  70. As quiet as a library
  71. Like a bull in a stampede
  72. As sharp as a needle
  73. Like a wolf in the wilderness
  74. As deep as a canyon
  75. Like a fish swimming upstream
  76. As hot as a furnace
  77. As wise as a sage
  78. Like a snake shedding its skin
  79. As sweet as nectar
  80. As quick as a hare
  81. Like a bull in a rodeo ring
  82. As smooth as a lake
  83. Like a dog chasing its tail
  84. As clear as a crystal ball
  85. Like a fox in a chicken coop
  86. As cold as stone
  87. As light as a breeze
  88. As quiet as a whisper
  89. Like a bull in a china store
  90. As sharp as a razor
  91. Like a wolf in the night
  92. As deep as a cavern
  93. Like a fish in a pond
  94. As hot as a volcano
  95. Like a horse on the track
  96. As wise as an elder
  97. Like a snake in the sand
  98. As sweet as honeydew
  99. Like a fish in a net
  100. As quick as a thought
  101. Like a bull in a bullring
  102. Like a dog with a mission
  103. As clear as a bell
  104. Like a fox on the hunt

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