100+ Similes For Blind

Explore the vivid world of similes with over a hundred creative comparisons for the concept of blindness.

  1. As blind as a bat
  2. Like a deer caught in headlights
  3. As sightless as a mole
  4. Like a ship without a compass
  5. As dark as night
  6. Like a closed book
  7. As blank as a canvas
  8. Like a camera with the lens cap on
  9. As opaque as obsidian
  10. Like a foggy window
  11. As impenetrable as a wall
  12. Like a closed door
  13. As empty as a void
  14. Like a starless sky
  15. As lost as a ship in a storm
  16. Like a puzzle missing pieces
  17. As hidden as a treasure chest
  18. Like a riddle without an answer
  19. As inscrutable as hieroglyphics
  20. Like a locked safe
  21. As shrouded as a secret
  22. Like a moonless night
  23. As elusive as a phantom
  24. Like a ghost in the dark
  25. As enigmatic as a labyrinth
  26. Like a code without a key
  27. As mysterious as the deep sea
  28. Like a cave without a torch
  29. As concealed as a ninja
  30. Like a shadow in the alley
  31. As veiled as a bride
  32. Like a manuscript in a foreign language
  33. As silent as a tomb
  34. Like a mute statue
  35. As still as a statue
  36. Like a frozen pond
  37. As hushed as a library
  38. Like a vacuum of sound
  39. As noiseless as a whisper
  40. Like a pause in time
  41. As calm as a sleeping baby
  42. Like a dormant volcano
  43. As tranquil as a forest at dawn
  44. Like a serene lake
  45. As peaceful as a meditation retreat
  46. Like a zen garden
  47. As serene as a Buddha statue
  48. Like a tranquil pond
  49. As relaxed as a hammock
  50. Like a lazy river
  51. As unhurried as a sloth
  52. Like a snail’s pace
  53. As leisurely as a Sunday stroll
  54. Like a gentle breeze
  55. As easygoing as a beach vacation
  56. Like a day without responsibilities
  57. As carefree as a child’s laughter
  58. Like a carefree butterfly
  59. As joyful as a carnival
  60. Like a rollercoaster ride
  61. As thrilling as a treasure hunt
  62. Like a high-speed chase
  63. As adrenaline-pumping as a bungee jump
  64. Like a heart in love
  65. As passionate as a flame
  66. Like a burning desire
  67. As fiery as a volcano
  68. Like a raging storm
  69. As tempestuous as the sea
  70. Like a hurricane’s force
  71. As powerful as a locomotive
  72. Like a thundering avalanche
  73. As unstoppable as a freight train
  74. Like a rocket taking off
  75. As swift as an arrow
  76. Like a cheetah in pursuit
  77. As fast as lightning
  78. Like a speeding bullet
  79. As quick as a wink
  80. Like a bolt from the blue
  81. As sudden as a surprise
  82. Like a magician’s trick
  83. As mysterious as a hidden agenda
  84. Like a conspiracy theory
  85. As secretive as a spy
  86. Like a detective on the case
  87. As investigative as a journalist
  88. Like a reporter chasing a scoop
  89. As determined as a bloodhound
  90. Like a hiker on a quest
  91. As adventurous as a treasure hunter
  92. Like an explorer charting new territory
  93. As daring as a tightrope walker
  94. Like an acrobat in mid-air
  95. As agile as a gymnast
  96. Like a ballet dancer on stage
  97. As graceful as a swan
  98. Like a peacock displaying its feathers
  99. As flamboyant as a rock star
  100. Like a diva in the spotlight
  101. As glamorous as a Hollywood star
  102. Like a red carpet event
  103. As extravagant as a millionaire’s lifestyle
  104. Like a luxury cruise
  105. As opulent as a palace
  106. Like a king on his throne
  107. As regal as a queen
  108. Like a royal procession
  109. As majestic as a mountain
  110. Like an eagle soaring in the sky
  111. As free as a bird
  112. Like a fish in water
  113. As natural as breathing
  114. Like a flower in bloom
  115. As vibrant as a rainbow
  116. Like a burst of sunshine
  117. As radiant as a star
  118. Like a beacon of hope
  119. As guiding as a lighthouse
  120. Like a compass pointing north

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