100+ Similes For Breaking

Breaking, the act of causing something to shatter or fracture, can be vividly depicted through a variety of similes. Explore over 100 descriptive comparisons, such as “as fragile as glass” and “like a thunderous explosion.”

  1. As delicate as porcelain.
  2. Like a sledgehammer to glass.
  3. As brittle as dried leaves.
  4. Like a wrecking ball through a wall.
  5. As fragile as thin ice.
  6. Like a crumbling sandcastle.
  7. As weak as a twig.
  8. Like a burst balloon.
  9. As flimsy as tissue paper.
  10. Like a snapped twig.
  11. As vulnerable as a cracked eggshell.
  12. Like a car crash collision.
  13. As feeble as a broken pencil.
  14. Like a dropped mirror.
  15. As frail as a withered flower.
  16. Like a falling star.
  17. As breakable as a crystal goblet.
  18. Like a falling avalanche.
  19. As shatterable as a light bulb.
  20. Like a falling meteor.
  21. As crisp as shattered glass.
  22. Like a house of cards collapsing.
  23. As destructible as a sandcastle.
  24. Like a thunderclap.
  25. As shivery as fractured ice.
  26. Like a shipwreck.
  27. As fracturable as a bone.
  28. Like a burst dam.
  29. As splintered as a tree struck by lightning.
  30. Like a shattered dream.
  31. As breakneck as a crash landing.
  32. Like a cracked mirror’s reflection.
  33. As fragmented as a puzzle.
  34. Like a breaking wave.
  35. As splintering as a falling tree.
  36. Like a crumbling cookie.
  37. As ruptured as a ruptured dam.
  38. Like a crumbling foundation.
  39. As fractured as a fractured soul.
  40. Like a cracking whip.
  41. As disjointed as a broken sentence.
  42. Like a crumbling wall.
  43. As shattered as a fractured heart.
  44. Like a breaking dawn.
  45. As fragmented as a fractured thought.
  46. Like a splitting headache.
  47. As fragmented as shattered dreams.
  48. Like a crumbling fortress.
  49. As cracked as dry earth.
  50. Like a breaking storm.
  51. As shattered as a broken promise.
  52. Like a crumbling mountain.
  53. As fragile as shattered trust.
  54. Like a breaking news report.
  55. As disintegrated as a dissolving tablet.
  56. Like a crumbling empire.
  57. As fragmented as shattered hopes.
  58. Like a breaking point.
  59. As shattered as a broken mirror.
  60. Like a crumbling statue.
  61. As fragmented as shattered ideals.
  62. Like a breaking glass ceiling.
  63. As fragmented as shattered ambitions.
  64. As fragile as shattered beauty.
  65. Like a breaking silence.
  66. As fragmented as shattered illusions.
  67. Like a crumbling dream.
  68. As fractured as shattered relationships.
  69. Like a breaking chain.
  70. As fragmented as shattered memories.
  71. As cracked as shattered tranquility.
  72. Like a breaking barrier.
  73. As fragmented as shattered peace.
  74. Like a crumbling facade.
  75. As shattered as a broken bond.
  76. Like a breaking tradition.
  77. As fragmented as shattered dignity.
  78. As fractured as shattered trust.
  79. As shattered as a broken heart.
  80. Like a breaking news headline.
  81. As fragile as shattered hope.
  82. As fragmented as shattered promises.
  83. As cracked as shattered expectations.
  84. As fragmented as shattered friendships.
  85. Like a crumbling glass.
  86. As fragmented as shattered goals.
  87. Like a breaking cycle.
  88. As shattered as a broken spirit.
  89. Like a crumbling earth.
  90. As fragmented as shattered aspirations.
  91. As cracked as shattered reality.
  92. As fragmented as shattered faith.
  93. Like a breaking chord.
  94. As shattered as a broken resolve.
  95. Like a crumbling city.
  96. As fractured as shattered principles.
  97. Like a breaking record.
  98. As fragmented as shattered ambition.
  99. Like a crumbling dam.
  100. As brittle as shattered composure.
  101. Like a breaking echo.
  102. As fragmented as shattered dreamscape.
  103. Like a crumbling leaf.
  104. As fragile as shattered innocence.
  105. As fragmented as shattered horizons.
  106. Like a crumbling world.

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