100+ Similes for Tame

In this comprehensive blog post, we explore over 100 similes for “tame” – a word often used to describe something controlled or subdued. Discover imaginative comparisons that will add depth to your writing.

  1. As tamed as a lion in a circus.
  2. Like a docile puppy in the hands of its owner.
  3. As obedient as a trained falcon.
  4. Like a calm sea on a windless day.
  5. As controlled as a marionette on strings.
  6. Like a tamed wild horse.
  7. As disciplined as a soldier at attention.
  8. Like a well-behaved child at the dinner table.
  9. As domesticated as a house cat.
  10. Like a tamed wildfire in a controlled burn.
  11. As regulated as a well-tuned engine.
  12. Like a serene garden in the morning light.
  13. As composed as a symphony conductor.
  14. Like a submissive character in a novel.
  15. As managed as a tightly-run corporation.
  16. Like a compliant student in class.
  17. As restrained as a river within its banks.
  18. Like a quiet library at closing time.
  19. As settled as dust in a forgotten corner.
  20. Like a subdued color palette in a painting.
  21. As governed as a city bylaws.
  22. Like a trained acrobat on the high wire.
  23. As subdued as a whisper in a silent room.
  24. Like a tamed storm after its fury.
  25. As regulated as traffic on a green light.
  26. Like a disciplined dancer in a ballet.
  27. As controlled as a well-practiced chef.
  28. Like a tamed beast in a fairy tale.
  29. As obedient as a dog at heel.
  30. Like a compliant actor on stage.
  31. As managed as a perfectly pruned bonsai.
  32. Like a submissive follower in a cult.
  33. As restrained as a coiled spring.
  34. Like a tamed tempest in a teacup.
  35. As composed as a serene mountain lake.
  36. Like a tranquil forest in the dawn’s light.
  37. As regulated as a tightly-run household.
  38. Like a well-trained athlete in competition.
  39. As settled as dew on a summer morning.
  40. Like a subdued melody in a song.
  41. As governed as a nation’s laws.
  42. Like a tamed serpent in a snake charmer’s basket.
  43. As subdued as a flickering candle.
  44. Like a tamed eagle in the falconer’s glove.
  45. As controlled as a conductor’s baton.
  46. Like a disciplined soldier on parade.
  47. As managed as a controlled experiment.
  48. Like a compliant student before the teacher.
  49. As restrained as a tightly-knit knot.
  50. Like a tamed river flowing gently.
  51. As obedient as a horse on a bridle.
  52. Like a docile sheep in the herd.
  53. As composed as a pianist’s fingers.
  54. Like a tranquil pond in a forest.
  55. As regulated as a factory assembly line.
  56. Like a tamed stallion in a corral.
  57. As settled as the dust after a storm.
  58. Like a subdued sunset on the horizon.
  59. As governed as a parliament’s rules.
  60. Like a tamed phoenix rising from the ashes.
  61. As disciplined as a martial artist.
  62. Like a compliant character in a story.
  63. As controlled as a puppet on strings.
  64. Like a docile lamb in the meadow.
  65. As obedient as a well-trained dog.
  66. Like a tamed beast in captivity.
  67. As managed as a controlled burn.
  68. Like a subdued breeze on a summer’s day.
  69. As regulated as a clock’s ticking.
  70. Like a disciplined monk in meditation.
  71. As restrained as a river in drought.
  72. Like a tamed tornado in a jar.
  73. As composed as a painter’s brush strokes.
  74. Like a tranquil lake in the mountains.
  75. As governed as a country’s borders.
  76. Like a tamed snake in a charmer’s hand.
  77. As subdued as a whisper in the night.
  78. Like a controlled avalanche on a slope.
  79. As obedient as a child in its mother’s arms.
  80. Like a compliant leaf in the wind.
  81. As managed as a controlled explosion.
  82. Like a docile tiger in captivity.
  83. As disciplined as a Zen master.
  84. Like a tamed hurricane in a bottle.
  85. As controlled as a pilot in turbulence.
  86. Like a tamed volcano dormant.
  87. As restrained as a coiled spring waiting.
  88. Like a serene swan on a tranquil pond.
  89. As regulated as a well-ordered library.
  90. Like a tamed raptor on a falconer’s glove.
  91. As composed as a poet’s verses.
  92. Like a tranquil ocean at sunrise.
  93. As governed as the laws of nature.
  94. Like a subdued rain on a summer’s eve.
  95. As obedient as a robot following commands.
  96. Like a compliant river in its course.
  97. As managed as a controlled demolition.
  98. Like a docile bear in hibernation.
  99. As disciplined as a diligent student.
  100. Like a tamed wildfire in a firebreak.
  101. As controlled as a conductor’s orchestra.
  102. Like a subdued moon on a clear night.
  103. As restrained as a caged bird longing.
  104. Like a tamed storm before the calm.
  105. As regulated as a thermostat’s setting.
  106. Like a tranquil forest after the rain.
  107. As governed as a constitution’s articles.
  108. Like a tamed fox in a petting zoo.
  109. As subdued as a fading memory.
  110. Like a controlled explosion in a movie.
  111. As obedient as a well-trained athlete.
  112. Like a compliant actor in a role.
  113. As managed as a tightly-run ship.
  114. Like a disciplined soldier in formation.
  115. As composed as a pianist at the keys.
  116. As restrained as a river in its banks.
  117. Like a docile horse in the pasture.
  118. As regulated as the gears of a clock.

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