100+ Similes For Terrified

Feeling terrified: an intense, overwhelming sensation of fear. Discover similes that vividly describe this powerful emotion.

  1. Like a deer caught in headlights, frozen in fear.
  2. As scared as a mouse in a cat’s lair.
  3. Like standing on the edge of a cliff, heart pounding.
  4. As terrified as a child in a thunderstorm.
  5. Like a fish out of water, feeling completely helpless.
  6. As frightened as a rabbit in a snare.
  7. Like walking through a graveyard at midnight, spine tingling.
  8. As petrified as a statue, unable to move.
  9. Like a leaf in the wind, shivering uncontrollably.
  10. As jumpy as a cat on a hot tin roof.
  11. Like a small boat in a tumultuous sea, tossed around.
  12. As anxious as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
  13. Like a lone wanderer in a haunted house, heart racing.
  14. As edgy as a cornered animal.
  15. Like being lost in a dark forest, disoriented and afraid.
  16. As nervous as a new performer on stage.
  17. Like a squirrel in the path of an oncoming car, panicked.
  18. As apprehensive as a soldier before battle.
  19. Like a tightrope walker without a net, acutely aware of danger.
  20. As skittish as a horse in a thunderstorm.
  21. Like a lamb in a den of wolves, vulnerable and scared.
  22. As fearful as a settler during a storm on the prairie.
  23. Like a mouse hearing an owl’s hoot, immediately alert.
  24. As startled as a bird suddenly taking flight.
  25. Like an ant in the shadow of a looming boot.
  26. As uneasy as a lone hiker hearing a rustle in the bushes.
  27. Like a child hearing a bump in the night, heart skipping a beat.
  28. As wary as a traveler in unfamiliar territory.
  29. Like a climber on a crumbling cliff, desperately holding on.
  30. As tense as a drawn bowstring.
  31. Like a ship in a storm, desperately seeking safe harbor.
  32. As alarmed as a person hearing footsteps behind them in a dark alley.
  33. Like a bird trapped in a closed room, frantically seeking escape.
  34. As disconcerted as a stranger in a strange land.
  35. Like a city dweller lost in the wilderness, overwhelmed by the unknown.
  36. As apprehensive as someone walking over a frozen lake, hearing the ice crack.
  37. Like a dreamer trapped in a nightmare, unable to wake up.
  38. As panic-stricken as someone in a house fire, searching for an exit.
  39. Like a non-swimmer thrown into deep water, flailing for life.
  40. As uneasy as a suspect under interrogation.
  41. Like a patient awaiting a serious diagnosis, stomach in knots.
  42. As nervous as a student before a major exam.
  43. Like a climber clinging to a sheer rock face, fearing the fall.
  44. As tense as someone defusing a bomb, hands trembling.
  45. Like a person walking through a minefield, each step uncertain.
  46. As agitated as a parent waiting for a late child.
  47. Like a gazelle in the presence of lions, acutely alert.
  48. As anxious as a driver in a blinding blizzard.
  49. Like a person hearing strange noises in an empty house.
  50. As frightened as a castaway hearing strange sounds in the jungle.
  51. Like someone lost in a maze, feeling increasingly trapped.
  52. As scared as a hiker hearing a growl in the forest.
  53. Like a bird in a cage, longing for freedom but scared to leave.
  54. As nervous as a speaker before a large audience, voice quivering.
  55. Like a person in quicksand, sinking deeper with every movement.
  56. As terrified as someone in a car skidding on ice.
  57. Like a person on a high wire, every step fraught with danger.
  58. As panicked as someone in a crowd, searching for a lost child.
  59. Like a soldier in the trenches, awaiting the enemy’s charge.
  60. As anxious as a farmer watching a storm approach his crops.
  61. Like a person in a dark tunnel, seeing a light that might be an oncoming train.
  62. As scared as a person watching a tornado approach their home.
  63. Like a diver in deep water, seeing the shadow of a shark.
  64. As nervous as a person on their first flight during turbulence.
  65. Like a child in a dark room, imagining monsters in every corner.
  66. As uneasy as someone walking alone on a foggy night.
  67. Like a person feeling the floor give way beneath them.
  68. As terrified as someone lost in a blizzard, visibility near zero.
  69. Like a person hearing their name whispered when they’re alone.
  70. As anxious as a sailor in a lifeboat in a stormy sea.
  71. Like a person feeling the walls close in around them.
  72. As scared as a witness in a courtroom, giving testimony.
  73. Like a person in a haunted house, every noise magnified.
  74. As frightened as a pedestrian on a bridge during an earthquake.
  75. Like a person surrounded by darkness, with only a flickering candle for light.
  76. As nervous as a lone traveler in a hostile land.
  77. Like a person on a flimsy raft in rough waters.
  78. As edgy as a spy in enemy territory.
  79. Like a person in a dense forest at night, hearing unknown sounds.
  80. As tense as a bomb squad member in a critical moment.
  81. Like a person on a crumbling ledge, grasping for safety.
  82. As frightened as a castaway at the sound of unknown footsteps.
  83. Like a person in a crashing plane, bracing for impact.
  84. As anxious as someone in a house during a burglary.
  85. Like a person walking a tightrope over a deep chasm.
  86. As scared as a person in a sinking boat, looking for land.
  87. Like a person walking in a dense fog, unable to see the path.
  88. As nervous as a pilot in a storm, instruments failing.
  89. Like a person in a dark forest, hearing a branch snap.
  90. As terrified as a person in a car chase, bullets flying.
  91. Like a lone swimmer in a vast ocean, land nowhere in sight.
  92. As anxious as someone hearing an unexpected knock at the door late at night.
  93. Like a person in a house of mirrors, unable to find the way out.
  94. As scared as someone walking on thin ice, hearing it crack.
  95. Like a person surrounded by a pack of wolves, outnumbered and afraid.
  96. As nervous as a climber on an unstable cliff face.
  97. Like a person in a dark cave, hearing a strange sound.
  98. As terrified as a person in a life-threatening situation, adrenaline surging.
  99. Like a person facing a fierce animal, frozen in fear.
  100. As uneasy as someone in a strange and eerie place.
  101. Like a person in a large, empty house, hearing footsteps.
  102. As scared as someone crossing a rickety bridge over a deep gorge.
  103. Like a person in a small boat during a storm, waves crashing.
  104. As nervous as someone waiting for an important, life-changing phone call.
  105. Like a person on a deserted street, hearing footsteps behind them.
  106. As frightened as a person feeling the ground shake during an earthquake.
  107. Like a person surrounded by thick smoke, unable to see the exit.
  108. As scared as someone in a pitch-black room, hearing a whisper.
  109. Like a person on a shaky ladder, fearing a fall.
  110. As anxious as a person waiting for results of a medical test.
  111. Like a person in a dark alley, hearing a door slam.
  112. As frightened as a person in a plane during severe turbulence.
  113. Like a person in a small space, feeling the walls closing in.
  114. As nervous as someone about to make a life-altering decision.
  115. Like a person in a thunderstorm, lightning striking close by.

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