Dive into a refreshing collection of over a hundred similes that capture the essence of feeling parched and thirsty.
- As thirsty as a desert.
- Like a sponge in the sun.
- Like a wilted flower.
- As parched as cracked earth.
- Like a fish out of water.
- Like a dry well.
- As thirsty as a nomad.
- Like a cactus in the heat.
- Like a camel in the desert.
- As dry as a bone.
- Like a withered plant.
- Like a salt flat.
- As thirsty as a wanderer.
- Like a riverbed in a drought.
- Like a tumbleweed.
- As parched as a traveler.
- Like a mirage in the distance.
- Like a sun-baked rock.
- As thirsty as a sailor.
- Like a cracked riverbed.
- Like a salted slug.
- As dry as a dust storm.
- Like a raisin in the sun.
- Like a cracked lake bed.
- As thirsty as a castaway.
- Like a bone in the desert.
- Like a dry riverbank.
- As parched as a lost soul.
- Like a cracked clay pot.
- Like a shriveled grape.
- As thirsty as a mirage.
- Like a dried-up puddle.
- Like a wilted leaf.
- As dry as a sand dune.
- Like a cracked mirror.
- As thirsty as a tumbleweed.
- Like a sun-baked field.
- Like a cracked foundation.
- As parched as a ghost town.
- Like a salted wound.
- Like a desert rose.
- As dry as a dead tree.
- Like a cracked sidewalk.
- Like a thirsty animal.
- As thirsty as a wildfire.
- Like a dried river.
- Like a parched throat.
- As dry as a bone in the sun.
- Like a cracked vase.
- Like a salted snail.
- As parched as a skeleton.
- Like a dried-up stream.
- Like a desert lizard.
- As thirsty as a sandcastle.
- Like a sun-baked lizard.
- Like a cracked eggshell.
- As dry as a desert breeze.
- Like a salted sea.
- Like a withered fruit.
- As parched as a drought.
- Like a dried-up lake.
- As thirsty as a beached whale.
- Like a sun-baked cliff.
- Like a cracked earthworm.
- As dry as a desert fox.
- Like a shriveled raisin.
- As parched as a barren land.
- Like a cracked river stone.
- Like a dried-up oasis.
- As thirsty as a sunflower.
- Like a sun-baked turtle.
- Like a cracked seashell.
- As dry as a desert night.
- Like a salted potato chip.
- Like a wilted daisy.
- As parched as a sandcastle.
- Like a dried-up well.
- Like a cactus in the rain.
- Like a cracked pavement.
- As dry as a desert wind.
- Like a salted pretzel.
- Like a withered orchid.
- As parched as a scorching sun.
- Like a cracked coastline.
- Like a dried-up creek.
- As thirsty as a desert dweller.
- Like a sun-baked scorpion.
- Like a cracked clay tile.
- As dry as a desert plant.
- Like a salted rim.
- Like a wilted tulip.
- As parched as a barren wasteland.
- Like a dried-up pond.
- Like a cactus without rain.
- As thirsty as a sandstorm.
- Like a sun-baked stone.
- Like a cracked seashore.
- As dry as a desert road.
- Like a salted sea breeze.
- Like a withered fern.
- As parched as a scorching day.
- Like a cracked horizon.
- Like a dried-up riverbed.
- As thirsty as a desert nomad.
- Like a salted margarita.
- Like a wilted lily.
- Like a cactus without water.
- Like a sun-baked tortoise.