100+ Similes For Tired

Explore a rich collection of over a hundred similes that vividly convey the feeling of exhaustion and weariness.

  1. As tired as a marathon runner at the finish line.
  2. Like a battery drained of power.
  3. As exhausted as a long-haul truck driver.
  4. Like a candle burning at both ends.
  5. As weary as a soldier after a battle.
  6. Like a car running on fumes.
  7. As fatigued as a student during finals week.
  8. Like a clock winding down.
  9. Like a horse after a long race.
  10. As drained as a phone with 1% battery.
  11. Like a firefighter after a blaze.
  12. As spent as a parent with a newborn.
  13. Like a runner at the end of a marathon.
  14. Like a computer with too many tabs open.
  15. As beat as a drummer in a rock band.
  16. Like a sponge squeezed dry.
  17. Like a ship at the end of a voyage.
  18. As pooped as a dog after a long walk.
  19. Like a well with no water left.
  20. Like a balloon losing air.
  21. As worn out as an old pair of shoes.
  22. Like a jet running out of fuel.
  23. As bushed as a hiker after a mountain climb.
  24. Like a coffee pot with an empty carafe.
  25. Like a kite with a broken string.
  26. As sapped as a tree in winter.
  27. Like a chef after a busy dinner service.
  28. As tuckered out as a child after playing all day.
  29. Like a light bulb about to burn out.
  30. Like a river running dry.
  31. As done as a completed jigsaw puzzle.
  32. Like a vacuum cleaner with a full bag.
  33. As spent as a shopper on Black Friday.
  34. Like a chef with an empty pantry.
  35. As drained as a bank account after a shopping spree.
  36. Like a car on empty.
  37. Like a well-worn paperback.
  38. As fatigued as an athlete after the Olympics.
  39. Like a campfire reduced to embers.
  40. As tired as a night owl in the morning.
  41. Like a violinist with frayed strings.
  42. As exhausted as a miner after a long shift.
  43. Like a fountain with no water.
  44. Like a garden in need of rain.
  45. As worn out as a welcome mat.
  46. Like a squirrel after a nut-gathering spree.
  47. As beat as a drummer with a broken drumstick.
  48. Like a flower wilting in the heat.
  49. As pooped as a dog after a game of fetch.
  50. Like a boxer after a championship fight.
  51. As drained as a lake in a drought.
  52. Like a writer with writer’s block.
  53. As bushed as a camper after setting up a tent.
  54. Like a piano with out-of-tune keys.
  55. As sapped as a tree in a desert.
  56. Like a surfer waiting for the perfect wave.
  57. As tuckered out as a child after a birthday party.
  58. Like a record with a scratched groove.
  59. As done as a finished crossword puzzle.
  60. Like a garden with wilted flowers.
  61. As drained as a car battery.
  62. Like a clock with a broken mechanism.
  63. As spent as a tourist after a day of sightseeing.
  64. Like a teacher at the end of the school year.
  65. As fatigued as a chef after a 12-hour shift.
  66. Like a runner with a cramp.
  67. As exhausted as a detective solving a complex case.
  68. Like a bee after pollinating flowers all day.
  69. As worn out as a tire with no tread.
  70. Like a radio with no signal.
  71. As pooped as a cat after chasing a laser pointer.
  72. Like a phone with no signal bars.
  73. As drained as a swimmer after a long race.
  74. Like a bird with clipped wings.
  75. As bushed as a gardener after weeding all day.
  76. Like a kite with a tangled string.
  77. As sapped as a tree in autumn.
  78. Like a keyboard with sticky keys.
  79. As tuckered out as a dog after a game of fetch.
  80. Like a camera with a dead battery.
  81. As done as a puzzle missing its final piece.
  82. Like a marathon runner with a cramp.
  83. As fatigued as a mechanic after a day of repairs.
  84. Like a computer frozen with no response.
  85. As drained as a pool with a leak.
  86. Like a campfire without logs.
  87. As exhausted as a pilot after a long flight.
  88. Like a car stuck in traffic.
  89. As worn out as a dog after a long hike.
  90. Like a train stuck on the tracks.
  91. As pooped as a cat napping in the sun.
  92. Like a cell phone with a dead battery.
  93. As bushed as a bird after migration.
  94. Like a compass with a broken needle.
  95. As sapped as a tree in a thunderstorm.
  96. Like a flashlight with dying batteries.
  97. As tuckered out as a toddler after playtime.
  98. Like a ship stranded on a sandbar.
  99. As done as a marathoner at the finish line.
  100. Like a motorboat out of gas.
  101. As fatigued as a teacher at parent-teacher conferences.
  102. Like a computer with a virus.
  103. As exhausted as an astronaut after a spacewalk.
  104. Like a car with a flat tire.
  105. As drained as a runner after a sprint.
  106. Like a movie with a scratched DVD.
  107. As worn out as a traveler after a long journey.
  108. Like a clock with a broken second hand.
  109. As pooped as a dog after chasing its tail.
  110. Like a phone with no battery life.
  111. As bushed as a hiker lost in the woods.
  112. Like a kite caught in a tree.
  113. As sapped as a tree in a drought.
  114. Like a laptop with a crashed hard drive.
  115. As tuckered out as a child after a day at the amusement park.
  116. Like a GPS with no satellite signal.
  117. As done as a puzzle with missing pieces.
  118. Like a marathoner with a twisted ankle.
  119. As fatigued as a pilot after a red-eye flight.
  120. Like a car with an empty gas tank.

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