100+ Similes For Trapped

Discover over a hundred vivid similes that vividly illustrate the feeling of being trapped in various situations.

  1. As trapped as a bird in a cage.
  2. Like a fly caught in a spider’s web.
  3. Like a fish in a net.
  4. Stuck like glue.
  5. Like a mouse in a maze.
  6. Like a deer in the headlights.
  7. Like a prisoner behind bars.
  8. Like a ship in a bottle.
  9. As confined as a clam in its shell.
  10. Like a puppet on strings.
  11. Like a bird with clipped wings.
  12. Like a dog in a leash.
  13. Like a snake in a pit.
  14. As cornered as a cat.
  15. Like a bug in a rug.
  16. Like a mole in a hole.
  17. As closed in as a cocoon.
  18. Like a rabbit in a burrow.
  19. Like a lion in a cage.
  20. Like a horse in a stable.
  21. As restricted as a plant in a pot.
  22. Like a ghost in a haunted house.
  23. Like a shadow in a corner.
  24. As bound as a book.
  25. Like a spider in its web.
  26. Like a bee in a jar.
  27. Like a snail in its shell.
  28. As stuck as a sticker.
  29. Like a star in the night sky.
  30. Like a rock in a hard place.
  31. Like a key without a lock.
  32. Like a boat in a bottle.
  33. As trapped as a prisoner of war.
  34. Like a bat in a cave.
  35. Like a crab in a trap.
  36. Like a fish in a fishbowl.
  37. Like a ant in a glass jar.
  38. Like a worm on a hook.
  39. As fenced in as a garden.
  40. Like a shadow in the dark.
  41. Like a snail without its shell.
  42. Like a bee without a hive.
  43. Like a mouse in a mousetrap.
  44. As ensnared as a spider’s prey.
  45. Like a squirrel in a cage.
  46. Like a firefly in a jar.
  47. Like a starfish on a beach.
  48. As hemmed in as a sheep.
  49. Like a hermit in a cave.
  50. Like a bear in a den.
  51. As constrained as a river in a dam.
  52. Like a pebble in a shoe.
  53. Like a fly in a closed room.
  54. Like a leaf in a book.
  55. As pinned down as a butterfly.
  56. Like a fish on a hook.
  57. Like a ghost in a haunted mansion.
  58. Like a shadow without a source.
  59. Like a snail on a sidewalk.
  60. As stuck as a sticker on paper.
  61. Like a bee without its hive.
  62. Like a crab without its shell.
  63. As cornered as a rat.
  64. Like a spider without its web.
  65. Like a deer without a forest.
  66. As surrounded as a fortress.
  67. Like a bat without its cave.
  68. Like a dog without a leash.
  69. Like a ship without a sail.
  70. As constrained as a bird in a cage.
  71. Like a squirrel without a tree.
  72. Like a rabbit without a burrow.
  73. As trapped as a fly in a web.
  74. Like a worm without soil.
  75. Like a shadow without substance.
  76. Like a star without a galaxy.
  77. As closed in as a clam.
  78. Like a lion without its roar.
  79. Like a fish without water.
  80. Like a mouse without a hole.
  81. As bound as a prisoner.
  82. Like a boat without water.
  83. Like a key without a door.
  84. As restricted as a plant without roots.
  85. Like a bear without a forest.
  86. Like a horse without a pasture.
  87. As cornered as a wolf.
  88. Like a snake without its den.
  89. Like a pebble without a river.
  90. Like a firefly without light.
  91. As hemmed in as a crab.
  92. Like a ghost without a haunting.
  93. Like a shadow without a form.
  94. Like a snail without its trail.
  95. Like a bat without wings.
  96. Like a sheep without a shepherd.
  97. Like a bee without a flower.
  98. Like a leaf without a tree.
  99. As pinned down as a butterfly on display.
  100. Like a fish out of water.
  101. Like a star without a constellation.
  102. Like a bear without a cave.
  103. Like a squirrel without a nut.
  104. Like a rabbit without a hole.
  105. As constrained as a river without flow.
  106. Like a fly without wings.
  107. Like a worm without earth.
  108. Like a shadow without shade.
  109. As stuck as a sticker on glass.
  110. Like a boat without a captain.
  111. Like a lion without a pride.
  112. As confined as a book on a shelf.
  113. Like a firefly without glow.
  114. Like a dog without a bone.
  115. Like a bat without echo.
  116. As restricted as a plant without sun.
  117. Like a ghost without a haunt.

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