100+ Similes For Unfair

Discover over 100 creative similes to vividly describe situations, actions, and people that feel unjust or unfair in various ways.

  1. As unfair as a rigged game.
  2. Like a biased referee in a crucial match.
  3. As unjust as a broken scale.
  4. Like a crooked judge in court.
  5. As skewed as a distorted mirror.
  6. Like a lopsided seesaw.
  7. As biased as a one-sided story.
  8. Like an uneven playing field.
  9. As imbalanced as a tilted scale.
  10. Like a fixed lottery.
  11. As partial as a parent’s favorite.
  12. Like a storm cloud over one house.
  13. As unjust as a kangaroo court.
  14. Like a game with loaded dice.
  15. As unfair as a wolf judging a sheep contest.
  16. Like a race where one starts at the finish line.
  17. As one-sided as a monologue.
  18. Like a rigged slot machine.
  19. As partial as a coach playing their child.
  20. Like a debate where only one side speaks.
  21. As slanted as a tabloid story.
  22. Like an exam with unequal questions.
  23. As unequal as different weights for the same job.
  24. Like a contest where the winner is pre-decided.
  25. As biased as a home crowd.
  26. Like a trial without a defense.
  27. As unbalanced as a seesaw with an elephant and a mouse.
  28. Like a soccer game without a referee.
  29. As one-sided as a solo chess game.
  30. Like a classroom where only one student is heard.
  31. As partial as a judge in their own case.
  32. Like a race on a slippery slope for some.
  33. As unfair as a fight between a lion and a lamb.
  34. Like a puzzle with missing pieces for some.
  35. As biased as a review by a competitor.
  36. Like a boxing match with one hand tied.
  37. As slanted as a hillside race.
  38. Like a choir where only one voice is heard.
  39. As unequal as a duel with different weapons.
  40. Like a beauty contest judged by the blind.
  41. As partial as an umpire from one team’s hometown.
  42. Like a scholarship given without a competition.
  43. As skewed as a funhouse mirror.
  44. Like a vote where not all ballots count.
  45. As unfair as a voiceless opinion.
  46. Like a monopoly game with pre-owned properties.
  47. As biased as a historian from the winning side.
  48. Like a story told by only one character.
  49. As one-sided as a solo tennis match.
  50. Like a dance where only one person leads.
  51. As partial as a referee supporting their team.
  52. Like a quiz where answers are known to some.
  53. As skewed as a biased news report.
  54. Like a battle between a giant and a dwarf.
  55. As unfair as a silenced complaint.
  56. Like a race where one car has no fuel.
  57. As biased as a fan judging their team.
  58. Like a courtroom without a jury.
  59. As one-sided as a dictatorship.
  60. Like a play where only one actor performs.
  61. As partial as favoritism in a family.
  62. Like a hurdle race with different heights.
  63. As unjust as a verdict without evidence.
  64. Like a talent show where the judge’s relative competes.
  65. As unfair as a locked treasure for some.
  66. Like a song where only one note is played.
  67. As biased as a self-written autobiography.
  68. Like a match where the referee scores goals.
  69. As one-sided as a debate with a mute opponent.
  70. Like a race where the track is different for each runner.
  71. As partial as a parent judging their child’s art.
  72. Like a cooking contest with secret ingredients for some.
  73. As unfair as a secret rule in a game.
  74. Like a jury with a vested interest.
  75. As biased as a critic reviewing their own work.
  76. Like a game of hide and seek in the dark for some.
  77. As one-sided as a monologue in a conversation.
  78. Like a contest where the rules change mid-game.
  79. As partial as a fan voting for an award.
  80. Like a battle where one side has no weapons.
  81. As unfair as a voiceless participant in a debate.
  82. Like a race where some start halfway.
  83. As biased as a self-judging contest.
  84. Like a musical where only one instrument plays.
  85. As one-sided as a story without other perspectives.
  86. Like a quiz where some questions are impossible.
  87. As partial as a judge’s own trial.
  88. Like a game where only one player knows the rules.
  89. As unfair as a hidden goalpost.
  90. Like a competition where effort doesn’t count.
  91. As biased as a report from a rival.
  92. Like a duel where one has a blindfold.
  93. As one-sided as a solo performance in a duet.
  94. Like an auction where only one bidder is allowed.
  95. As partial as a referee related to a player.
  96. Like a movie where only one character has lines.
  97. As unfair as a conversation where one is muted.
  98. Like a football game with different goal sizes.
  99. As biased as a family member in a jury.
  100. Like a singing contest where some microphones are off.
  101. As one-sided as a shadow without light.
  102. Like a race where some run barefoot.
  103. As partial as a self-evaluation.
  104. Like a debate with a predetermined winner.
  105. As unfair as a puzzle with some pieces hidden.
  106. Like a tennis match with different rackets for each player.
  107. As biased as a review by a friend.
  108. Like a theater where only one actor knows the script.
  109. As one-sided as a mirror’s reflection.
  110. Like a test with different questions for each student.
  111. As partial as a verdict by a biased jury.
  112. Like a cooking competition with different ingredients.
  113. As unfair as a game with secret rules.
  114. Like a marathon where some start near the finish line.
  115. As biased as a parent judging their child’s contest.
  116. Like a football match where one team has no goalie.
  117. As one-sided as a book with one character.
  118. Like a talent show with judges’ relatives participating.
  119. As partial as a critic reviewing their own show.
  120. Like a chess game where one side has no queen.

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