100+ Similes For Untrustworthy

Discover an arsenal of vivid similes that paint a picture of untrustworthiness in our comprehensive list of 100+ comparisons.

  1. As slippery as an eel.
  2. Like a fox in the henhouse.
  3. Shifty as a weathervane.
  4. Deceptive as a mirage.
  5. As sly as a snake.
  6. Like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
  7. Slipperier than a banana peel.
  8. As unreliable as a broken compass.
  9. Shady as a tree in moonlight.
  10. Like a treacherous maze.
  11. As false as a three-dollar bill.
  12. As unstable as quicksand.
  13. Like a ticking time bomb.
  14. As dubious as a counterfeit coin.
  15. Shadier than a willow tree.
  16. As unsteady as a tightrope walker.
  17. As fickle as the wind.
  18. Like a trapdoor beneath your feet.
  19. As deceptive as a magician’s trick.
  20. As unreliable as a leaky faucet.
  21. Like a poker player with a tell.
  22. As slippery as ice.
  23. Like a slippery slope.
  24. As unstable as a house of cards.
  25. As unpredictable as the weather.
  26. Like a mirage in the desert.
  27. As changeable as a chameleon.
  28. As shady as a back alley.
  29. Like a quagmire.
  30. As slippery as wet soap.
  31. Like a double-crossing spy.
  32. As unsteady as a drunkard.
  33. As false as a phony smile.
  34. Like a mirroring pond.
  35. As unreliable as a worn-out tire.
  36. Shadier than a forest at dusk.
  37. As deceptive as a trap.
  38. As unstable as a rolling stone.
  39. Like a riddle without an answer.
  40. As slippery as a politician’s promise.
  41. Like a snake in the grass.
  42. As sly as a cunning fox.
  43. As changeable as the tide.
  44. Like a crooked path in the woods.
  45. As unpredictable as a wild card.
  46. As shifty as shifting sands.
  47. Like a shadow in the night.
  48. As slippery as a banana peel on ice.
  49. As elusive as a ghost.
  50. Like a quivering jellyfish.
  51. As deceptive as a smoke screen.
  52. As unreliable as a rusted hinge.
  53. Like a mirage in the distance.
  54. As changeable as the seasons.
  55. As unstable as a wobbly table.
  56. Like a spinning roulette wheel.
  57. As slippery as a greased pig.
  58. As false as a charlatan’s claim.
  59. Like a maze with no way out.
  60. As unsteady as a trembling leaf.
  61. As unpredictable as a lottery ticket.
  62. Shadier than a dense forest.
  63. Like a riddle with no solution.
  64. As deceptive as a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
  65. As unreliable as a flickering light.
  66. Like a shadowy figure in the dark.
  67. As slippery as a fish out of water.
  68. As treacherous as a sinking ship.
  69. Like a cunning mastermind.
  70. As sly as a crafty cat.
  71. As changeable as a churning sea.
  72. As unstable as a house of straw.
  73. Like a mirage in the desert heat.
  74. As false as a forged signature.
  75. As slippery as a greasy pole.
  76. Like a hidden pitfall.
  77. As unreliable as a faulty alarm clock.
  78. As unsteady as a wobbly stool.
  79. Like a game of Russian roulette.
  80. As unpredictable as a wild goose chase.
  81. As shady as a moonless night.
  82. As treacherous as thin ice.
  83. Like a labyrinth without an exit.
  84. As changeable as a chameleon’s colors.
  85. As slippery as a banana skin.
  86. As false as a counterfeit bill.
  87. Like a quagmire sucking you in.
  88. As deceptive as a siren’s song.
  89. As unreliable as a broken clock.
  90. Like a mirage fading away.
  91. As unstable as a teetering stack of cards.
  92. As unpredictable as a roulette wheel.
  93. Shadier than a dark alleyway.
  94. Like a riddle with no clues.
  95. As slippery as a wet rock.
  96. As sly as a cunning trickster.
  97. Like a maze with no escape.
  98. As changeable as shifting sands.
  99. As treacherous as a booby trap.
  100. As false as a snake’s charm.
  101. Like quicksand pulling you under.
  102. As slippery as an oil slick.
  103. As unpredictable as a tornado.
  104. Like a quagmire of lies.
  105. As unreliable as a faulty compass.
  106. Shadier than a cloudy day.
  107. As deceptive as a masked bandit.
  108. As unstable as a house of cards in a breeze.
  109. Like a mirage that vanishes upon approach.
  110. As changeable as a kaleidoscope.
  111. As slippery as a politician’s promises.
  112. As false as a con artist’s smile.
  113. Like a hidden snare.
  114. As sly as a slick operator.
  115. As unsteady as a tightrope walker without a net.
  116. As deceptive as a mirage on a hot day.
  117. As unreliable as a rusty hinge on a gate.
  118. Like a shadowy figure lurking.
  119. As treacherous as a snake in the grass.

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