100+ Similes For Weak

Dive into the world of vivid comparisons with this extensive list of 100+ similes to describe weakness in various contexts.

  1. Weak as a kitten
  2. Feeble as a baby
  3. Fragile as glass
  4. Brittle as dry leaves
  5. Frail as a reed
  6. Vulnerable as a newborn
  7. Delicate as porcelain
  8. Powerless as a whisper
  9. Soft as a feather
  10. Like a wilted flower
  11. Flimsy as tissue paper
  12. Thin as a thread
  13. Unsteady as a house of cards
  14. Shaky as a leaf
  15. Debilitated as an old man
  16. Limp as a wet noodle
  17. Helpless as a stranded bird
  18. Ineffectual as a broken tool
  19. Drained as a battery
  20. Like a deflated balloon
  21. Listless as a wilted plant
  22. Spent as a worn-out tire
  23. Weakened as a fading echo
  24. Pale as a ghost
  25. Lifeless as a limp rag
  26. Lethargic as a sloth
  27. Worn out as a used-up candle
  28. Dull as a blunt blade
  29. Hollow as an empty shell
  30. Feeble as a flickering flame
  31. Shrunken as a dried-up prune
  32. Powerless as a broken switch
  33. Sluggish as a snail
  34. Depressed as a deflated ball
  35. Fragile as spun sugar
  36. Unstable as a wobbly table
  37. Helpless as a lost child
  38. Frail as a melting snowflake
  39. Like a fading memory
  40. Trembling as a trembling leaf
  41. Ineffective as a malfunctioning machine
  42. Exhausted as a marathon runner
  43. Wasted as a withering plant
  44. Like a faded photograph
  45. Drained as a leaking faucet
  46. Vulnerable as a cracked eggshell
  47. Soft as a withered fruit
  48. Diminished as a shrinking shadow
  49. Powerless as a disconnected cord
  50. Debilitated as a dying ember
  51. Spent as a depleted resource
  52. Like a sinking ship
  53. Flimsy as a collapsing bridge
  54. Limp as a broken toy
  55. Lifeless as a still pond
  56. Worn out as an old shoe
  57. Dull as a faded painting
  58. Hollow as an empty gaze
  59. Feeble as a flickering candle
  60. Shrunken as a deflated balloon
  61. Unsteady as a shaky hand
  62. Sluggish as a slow-moving stream
  63. Depressed as a heavy heart
  64. Fragile as a cracked mirror
  65. Helpless as a stranded sailor
  66. Like a crumbling ruin
  67. Ineffectual as a malfunctioning device
  68. Trembling as a quaking ground
  69. Spent as a used-up resource
  70. Like a fading star
  71. Drained as a parched desert
  72. Vulnerable as a fragile artifact
  73. Soft as a fading melody
  74. Diminished as a waning moon
  75. Powerless as a dying fire
  76. Limp as a wilted flower
  77. Like a broken promise
  78. Worn out as a tired athlete
  79. Dull as a fading dream
  80. Hollow as an empty room
  81. Feeble as a flickering light
  82. Shrunken as a wrinkled prune
  83. Unsteady as a trembling voice
  84. Depressed as a fading hope
  85. Fragile as a cracked foundation
  86. Helpless as a fallen bird
  87. Spent as a depleted well
  88. Like a vanishing dream
  89. Ineffectual as a malfunctioning mechanism
  90. Trembling as a quivering lip
  91. Drained as a dry riverbed
  92. Vulnerable as a crumbling wall
  93. Soft as a fading sunset
  94. Diminished as a receding tide
  95. Powerless as a fading star
  96. Limp as a wilted leaf
  97. Like a forgotten memory
  98. Worn out as a tattered book
  99. Dull as a fading echo
  100. Hollow as an empty vessel
  101. Shrunken as a withered tree
  102. Unsteady as a trembling hand
  103. Depressed as a fading flower
  104. Fragile as a crumbling page
  105. Helpless as a fallen leaf
  106. Spent as a dwindling resource
  107. Like a fleeting moment
  108. Ineffectual as a malfunctioning engine
  109. Trembling as a shaking ground
  110. Drained as a withering vine
  111. Vulnerable as a crumbling bridge
  112. Soft as a fading whisper
  113. Diminished as a setting sun
  114. Powerless as a fading moon
  115. Limp as a sagging rope
  116. Like a fading candlelight
  117. Worn out as a worn-out welcome
  118. Dull as a vanishing dream
  119. Hollow as an empty promise

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